Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Great Divider

President Obama Announces
the 2012 Launch of African Americans for Obama

I can only imagine the cries of racism that would rightly follow, if the one of the Republican candidates were to announce that he has a website where "white people" were organizing to get him elected. Well Obama has done just that in reverse with "African Americans for Obama".

This is not only divisive but some would call it racist and the opposite of what was hoped for when President Obama was elected. In the message, President Obama explains that African Americans need to organize along with him to get him re-elected.

This would be fine, if he was also speaking to white Americans and those of other races, but Obama can't seem to help himself. He can't help but appear to be anything other than what any fair-minded person would conclude if the speaker were appealing to a whites only group .... RACIST.

Is it a stretch for some to understand that organizing along racial lines is divisive and racist regardless of who is doing the organizing?

It appears to be impossible for Obama to represent the best interests of all Americans.

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