Monday, February 6, 2012

The Class Warfare President

Here is a good example of the president twisting the truth.

He actually says: "you can call this class warfare all you want."

O.K. ... this is class warfare.

In France ... they have a wealth tax. Every year they add up all of your assets and charge you a percentage against your wealth. With this system, a government can confiscate everything you own in a few short years. Obama wants America to be another France. I say never!

The supposed Buffett Rule is a sham issue that allows the president to change the subject from his failed policies to a phony solution that he well knows will not solve the problem he is a pretending to speak to.

Obama is so blatant about this deception that he has put it into a video clip from his state of the union address for all of us to view.

He clearly knows that increasing the capital gains tax to 30 percent amounts to double taxation in most cases. This is not a solution to the jobs crisis or the deficit problem facing Americans but rather a smooth sleight of hand. A sales gimmick of quickly changing the subject.

He also knows that if all of the millionaires paid sixty percent in taxes it would not even put a small dent in the existing problem.

The tax system is clearly broken. The same deductions Obama is pointing to are used by millions of average Americans to avoid unfair taxation. This is just another tax scam. Alternative minimum tax actually turned out to be a new unfair tax on millions of average Americans.

Should everyone pay their fair share? Yes of course. But the real question is what is a fair tax when fifty percent of Americans pay zero??? Romney will now be vilified for only paying fourteen percent, but he actually paid three million dollars in taxes in a single year. Romney also gave three million to charity. It is evil for politicians to twist words and somehow vilify a person who legally paid three million dollars in taxes.

The problem is that Obama and his plans to confiscate America's wealth will continue to shut down American businesses costing more lost American jobs. If all of the opportunities to make a return on an investment of money that has already been taxed are close ... people will stop investing in businesses.

His plan is if he just can get a majority of the people mad at the rich, they will not be focusing on his three year record of incompetence and failure. And then he will win regardless of the truth or what is best for everyone.

Call it class warfare all you want he says.
Alright, I will call it class warfare ...
and I also call it deliberately deceiving the American people.
Politics as usual.
Dazzle em with your footwork, Mr. president.

But ... this time it won't work Americans are too smart for that.

We want to hear Obama about the Canadian oil pipeline Obama just rejected. And instead of quoting manipulated jobs numbers, what is America going to do to put unemployed and displaced Americans back to work? And how is cutting 500 billion from medicare not going to hurt seniors? What about Solyndra? What about Fast and Furious, Mr. President?

We're still waiting ...


  1. If only it were sleight of hand, the President would be seen as a genius entertainer and the people as an audience.

    Instead, he is a liar and a thief and the people, idiots.

  2. In response to changing our tax code so that everyone pays their fair share ... nothing could be more true. If only he and the other politicians meant what they say. OK ... flat tax for all NOW. end of tax problem, IRS, deficits, same fair tax for all after an adjustment for cost of living. End all deductions.
