Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Change the Subject

Should Romney release his tax returns and allow Obama to divert the focus of the election onto trivial issues rather than Jobs, the economy, and Obama's failed policies?

Obama's campaign has used this tactic time and again in the past elections to create rabbit trails that lead the electorate away from the key issues that the people want and need to hear debated ... 

How is America going to work it's way out of this monumental mess that the president, in his delusional state, continually refers to as a recovery? 

If this sounds strange, consider the facts. While Obama has worked on his agenda: forcing healthcare reform, forcing socialist ideas, and forcing a radical environmentalist green jobs agenda. Can anyone name anything he has effectively done to turn around the real estate industry  or the construction industries from their total collapse? Is there anything that he has done to effectively promote the growth of small businesses in the past four years?

We can all give a list of moves that have been anti-job growth in the traditional energy industries such as oil drilling and coal mining. and it is clear that if re-elected his plans will in Obama's own words "see energy costs necessarily skyrocket." 

Have you even considered the true impact of this green jobs agenda that the Democrats are pushing? Think about it. Part of the plan is higher energy costs so that all of the garbage product they peddling will somehow become valuable. 

How does this play out? 54 MPG click here Real easy ... raise fuel efficiency standards to 54 MPG and see what that does to the value of the Chevy Volt that nobody likes, or wants to buy or drive. That might be a boom for GM and somehow make that union bailout look good, but at a cost to who? All consumers not willing or able to drive a very costly Chevy Volt.

The environmental movement needs for gas prices to be higher ... not lower. Obama said it; "with my plans energy costs will necessarily skyrocket" 

Okay look at what has already happened during his three years in office. click here: Gasoline prices have risen by 103% during the Obama presidency. 

What does this really mean beyond doubling the cost of filling your gas tank? 

For me, this past week, it became clear when a round trip economy ticket from LAX to OKC has doubled to around $500 when the new baggage charges are added on. 

But the truth is that the cost of everything has gone up dramatically ... 

EVERYTHING that needs to be transported by air, truck, or rail and that is basically everything ... the costs have been adjusted dramatically upward accordingly. 

This is the hidden tax of these green energy plans they have forced on all of us. 
From light bulbs, to electricity, to gasoline, and virtually everything else. 

And Obama's energy secretary Steven Chu said; click here:  Somehow, we need to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe How can we ever get out of this mess with fools in charge working against us who are determined to ONCE AGAIN double the cost of gasoline to $8.00 a gallon?

The president knows that a majority of the people know that not closing the border, printing phony money, continuing without a budget, forcing thousands of new EPA regulations down our throats, and forcing a  plan that doubles the cost of healthcare ... are not solutions that bring about private sector job growth, new taxpayers, and the reduction of the unemployed Americans. 

Intelligent debate on these real solutions will result in Obama's defeat.

So what is Obama's plan? 

Change the subject. 

Let's talk about ... my NCAA playoff picks. 

Let's spend this campaign talking about taxing the rich, or gay marriage, or Romney's tax returns, or Romney's dog or Romney's gaff (you did hear about the gafff, right?)  ... talk about anything ... please anything except creating jobs or any of the president's many other failures during the past four years.

Obama wants to show us all how great he is at playing Chicago politics so that he can continually change the subject, and get on with four more years of destroying America with his Marxist socialist plans for all of us.

Romney needs to change the subject back to his plans for success for America ... and also pointing out Obama's plans for more of the same failures, and the division that Obama and his plans have brought upon America. 

And of course, let's not forget the mainstream media who are unofficially running the president's re-election campaign and the foolishness and failure they have collectively brought upon America.

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