Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Banning Bibles In America

The enemies of God will never cease in their attack
on the religious freedoms of Christian Americans.

Here is the latest assault on the Bible from the atheistic mentality that for the most part is now in control of America. The good news is that in the end, our religious freedoms will be protected.

Some Americans need a swift reminder that our Bill of Rights allows Freedom of Religion- not Freedom FROM Religion.

We live in a country where blood, sweat, tears have been spent for well over 200 years in order to insure that those who live a life of faith shall do without threat of persecution. On the flip side, those who choose not to, shall also be free to live how they choose- as long as it isn’t harmful to someone else.

However, in the last few decades there has been a war on Christianity. The statement of “separation of church and state” has been grossly misinterpreted and we have a public who believes the myth that there was actually anything written in our founding documents that refers to this.

This concept and these particular words were invented by an ACLU attorney named Leo Pfeffer in 1947 in the Supreme Court case of Everson versus Board of Education of Ewing Township. That liberal supreme court imposed it on the nation by a 5 to 4 vote. The ACLU and other anti-Christian organizations and individuals have used it to harass Christians with ever since. It is also used by evolutionists to try to keep a theistic explanation of origins out of the public schools. Many young people today are not aware of the fact that this concept is an ACLU invention, and that it is the extreme opposite of what our founding fathers actually intended. In other words, there is virtually no constitutional support whatsoever for it.

Thomas Jefferson referred to this clause in a letter to the Danbury Baptist and it referred very clearly to the fact that the church was to be protected FROM the government, and NOT the opposite. But, history is easily rewritten and retaught in our public schools in an effort to indoctrinate our youth when there is an agenda from a progressive anti-God, anti-faith government.

Thankfully, we still have a few lawmakers who carry the torch for our religious freedoms and expression and Steve King from Iowa is one of those. Liberty Juice 12/21/2011

Steve King On Banning Bibles At Walter Reed


  1. I blogged on this a while back ( and was so pleased that the policy was quickly changed. Although'Bibles' was the first thing mentioned, the policy did go on to state "other religious material," which would have included Koran's, prayer beads, icons -- banning all religious items. Clearly an infringement on our First Amendment, and just as clearly an attempt to separate government from religion. Reminds me again of camels and gnats.

  2. The obvious question is: why did the mainstream media for the most part "not report" on this most important news item?
