CONSERVATIVE VIEWS ON POLITICS AND CHRISTIANITY “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Politics Of Evil
Let’s assume for a moment that the devil was in complete control of ordering the way things work in America.
What are the first three things that he would do?
Well ... I believe he would take the following steps.
First, he would take control of our educational system and remove all reference to and the teaching of God’s Word. He would also rewrite history so that our children would be trained in values contrary to the founding principles of America.
Next, he would control the media with a philosophy that projects socialism and cultural Marxist views, and he would use that media to rally generations of adults who have been programmed in these atheistic and anti-American views.
And third, he would convince people of faith from many various religious beliefs, that they needed to put aside their various differences; and join together for the greater good of all.
The fulfillment of this third step would lead to a call for world citizenship, and a unified church that stands for goals which they will say are best for all. Those who do not agree with this common vision, will need to be identified as divisive. And they will be called resisters, and must be alienated for the good of all.
The devil would present a grand vision; and rallying point that seeks to solve all of the major problems of mankind.
I am convinced that we have reached a point in history where these three lines of attack by God's enemy and His followers have already been firmly established.
This revealing article below by Dr. Carol Swain clearly demonstrates how the brainwashed leadership in our educational, political, and judicial systems are being used in an attempt to neutralize the furtherance of Christian and American values in the minds of America's future leaders.
The Secularization of Campus Religion
Colleges and universities pride themselves as being vanguards of pluralism. Nevertheless, in the past decade, more and more institutions have been quietly, but systematically, restricting freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly under the guise of non-discrimination.
The Supreme Court has only added to the confusion.
In a 5-4 decision, the Court allowed a public law school to require all student groups to accept any and all student-comers, not just for membership, but for leadership positions, regardless of whether the students agreed with the groups’ goals and purposes; however, the Court carefully pointed out that the policy applied to all groups, not just religious groups.
Nevertheless the impetus and target for these policies is always religious groups, in particular, orthodox-believing Christian groups. A few of the universities who have already been embroiled in this challenge include Tufts, Hastings Law, Southern Illinois, Arizona State, Montana Law School, Miami University, San Diego State, Rutgers, and the University of North Carolina.
Vanderbilt University is seeking to lead the latest of these challenges. It has removed from its anti-discrimination policy language that would protect religious groups and it has gone so far as to challenge the practice of having leaders of Christian organizations lead Bible studies.
In a letter to the President of the Christian Legal Society, the acting director of religious life explains that requiring leaders to lead Bible Studies “would seem to indicate that officers are expected to hold certain beliefs.” What an idea! The president of The Democratic Club does not need to know, believe, and promote the principles of the Party?
Carried to its logical extension, the policy means that no organization can maintain integrity of beliefs. Christians can seek to lead Muslim organizations, Muslims can seek to lead Jewish ones, and Wiccans can lead Catholic fellowships.
The policy now allows for, and is most likely designed to encourage negative activism where students holding views antithetical to an organization use Alinsky-esque techniques of deception, infiltration and manipulation to assume leadership positions in organizations they seek to destroy from the inside.
Mary Poplin, Professor of Education at Claremont Graduate University and author of a new manuscript titled Is Reality Secular: What if Christianity is True, argues that this is one more step in the West’s long march to secularize the world. Not content with secularizing public life, they have now turned to religious organizations themselves.
These efforts are intended to dilute the beliefs of the religiously minded. Nevertheless, young people are defying the secular trend. The Astins’ annual college survey suggests today’s college students are more committed than ever to pursuing spirituality.
The Obama administration has supported secularization in multiple ways from rescinding aspects of the freedom of conscience to requiring faith based initiatives become multi-faith efforts. This past spring, The President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge was sent to thousands of college presidents urging them to create interfaith service projects designed to “build understanding between different communities.” Mark Eddington of Harvard suggests that the campus chapel become an “interfaith laboratory.”
The Obama Administration seemingly believes an unproven but commonly held assumption that it is faith communities that are divisive when in fact, faith communities often fare better together than with secular ones. Filling the campus chapel with interfaith dialogue and projects supports the secular agenda by keeping religious dialogue at the lowest common denominator.
Interfaith work is not new to believing communities and their efforts have never needed secularist prompting. However, interfaith work projects cannot substitute for religious groups on campus because they do not help religious people study and practice their own beliefs.
Clearly, we are witnessing the death of ideological pluralism on campus.
The carefully orchestrated assault on religious organizations on college and university campuses contradicts our Constitutional freedoms and it works against the interests of God-fearing students, staff, and faculty.
We must never forget that many of our elite educational institutions, including Harvard, Princeton, and Vanderbilt Universities were started by great men of faith who would turn over in their grave if they could see the march of secular humanism and the advance of atheism at the institutions they founded.
by Carol M. Swain; Professor of Political Science and of Law at Vanderbilt University. This article was published in The Blaze on October 4, 2011.
The good news is that the omniscient Creator of all things has already explained the end result of these developments ...
and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will prevail.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:1-4
God bless you my friends, Bob
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What Media Bias?
It never ceases to amaze me the level of total liberal bias from the mainstream media.
We will continue to give ongoing reports on this bias throughout the election campaigns. The tactic is consistent and very blatant.
On the one hand, these wannabe news reporters always promote anything and everything President Obama does or says ...
in a positive light.
On the other hand, Republican or conservative views are consistently presented from a negative point of view.
This is not an unbiased reporting of the news; but rather a promotion of their socialist and Marxist political point of view.
Here are just a few of this weeks examples:
1. NBC's Gregory:
Rick Perry's Tax Plan Will Help the Rich and Hurt the Poor
Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory ripped Rick Perry's flat tax proposal: "The problem is, this does help the rich. It hurts a lot of the poor and the middle class. Political professionals I talk to say the problem with the flat tax ideas is that once voters look at it a second or third time they don't like it much." Gregory even suggested Republican voters in Iowa would be opposed to the plan: "A lot of voters in the Iowa caucuses are not necessarily rich so it may not stand the test of time." He then added: "And oh, by the way, how do you get it passed when nobody can agree on tax reform right now?"
2. MSNBC's Bashir Mocks:
'Chicken Hawk' Herman Cain, Despite Dept. Of Navy Service
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Wednesday wondered if Herman Cain, who worked for the Department of the Navy during Vietnam, is a "chicken hawk" because he criticized the President's pull out of Iraq. Talking to professor Michael Eric Dyson, Bashir complained, "And on the issue of Iran, does Cain remind you at all of Dick Cheney and that long roster of chicken hawks who've rabidly pushed for U.S. military action there?"
3. Network Morning Shows:
Tout 'Comedian in Chief' Obama Mocking GOP on Leno
All three network morning shows on Wednesday cheered President Obama's Tuesday appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. At the top of ABC's Good Morning America, co-host Robin Roberts declared: "Comedian in chief. The President hits late-night TV talking about all the people taking swings at him right now. And why what he's really worried about is what the First Lady's giving out for Halloween." Later, fellow co-host George Stephanopoulos noted how Obama was "trying to warm up his image with a few laughs on Jay Leno's couch." White House correspondent Jake Tapper described how the President "made certain to have a few laughs" at the expense of the Republican presidential candidates.
4. CBS:
Extremism at 'Occupy' Protests Merely the 'Actions of a Few'
On Wednesday's Early Show, CBS's Erica Hill downplayed the instances of violence and bigotry found at Occupy Wall Street protests as simply "the actions of a few," after GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich denounced the "frightening level of anti-Semitism in some of these gatherings." Hill questioned Gingrich over his supposedly "pretty outspoken words" about the left-leaning movement. The anchor raised the demonstrations towards the end of her interview of the former House speaker, after Gingrich claimed that "people are pretty sick of the lack of civility...they watch Washington, they watch gridlock, [and] they watch a president who's more comfortable on [Jay] Leno than he is in trying to govern the country."
5. CNN Asks: Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street?
CNN tried to tie Jesus to a liberal movement on Wednesday as correspondent Carol Costello labeled various religious authorities as supporters of the "Occupy Wall Street" protests – even as she reported that an protest in Oakland had turned violent. "'Occupy Oakland' protesters hurled paint at riot police, and riot police hurled tear gas. Jesus, here?" Costello asked during the 11 a.m. hour. "Yes. And the Vatican seems to be backing them up," she added.
6. Networks Spin Violent 'Occupy' Protesters:
as 'Pushing Back,' Minimize Rock Throwing
According to the network morning shows, violent Occupy Wall Street protesters are fighting back against government officials who are trying to rein them in. Early Show's Erica Hill highlighted "this growing crackdown on the anti-Wall Street protests around the country." She added, "In Oakland, California, the protesters are pushing back." The "pushing back" came in the form of throwing rocks and bottles at police officers who attempted to remove them from a public encampment.
So the question is:
What does this bias have to do with religion and politics?
Answer: The liberal media is standing firm on their socialistic Marxist atheistic views which continuously disregard and contradict everything that promotes patriotism, our basic freedoms, and the Judeo/Christian values that America fought for and was founded upon.
Their smooth presentation tactics are systematically and subliminally tearing down our foundational American values.
God bless you my friends, Bob
Reference: Media Research Center 10/27/2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Way It Is ...
America is at a turning point.
The attached short video clip was filmed over thirty years ago and it clearly shows the division that existed then; and it is still with us today.
Our country is hopelessly divided into two groups with vastly different world views.
Watch this short clip now!
Which way will America turn?
The Way It is …
On the liberal extreme we have those who represent a naturalist/socialist worldview. On the conservative extreme there is the Judeo/Christian worldview. Those who are moderates or independents will ultimately be forced to stand on one side of the line or the other.
Where will you stand? That is the KEY question for us all!
There is no middle ground. Our country will go one way or the other. The coming election will bring about this end result … one way or the other. The resulting decisions will determine the standard of living for our grand-children’s children.
Many in one or the other of these two groups will be making a decision that does not necessarily reflect their values. For example, some atheists will stand with Christians on one side of the line, because they both believe in the values expressed by the tea party. And some Christians will stand with atheists, evolutionists, and environmentalists on the other side of the line because they share common beliefs. But make no mistake; we will all be forced to make a choice.
The purpose of this post is to try and convince you to stand on my side of the line.
I am especially speaking to those of you who claim to be Christians and those who believe in Judeo/Christian values, but not Biblical Christianity. What, you ask; won’t most Christians be on the Conservative and Republican side of the line? Not necessarily. As many as 70-80% of those who identify as Christians have also decided to allegorize God’s Word and follow a worldview supporting a liberal philosophy, organized religion, and the teachings of men, rather than the Truth of the omniscient Creator of all things.
For example, there are literally millions of professing Christians who believe in evolution; which is atheistic at its foundation.
Millions of others are following mega church pastors and the popular books which they have written; and these leaders are systematically guiding them to a New Reformation and the Emerging Church movement. This false doctrine leads away from the foundational truths of the Gospel of Christ.
And all of this creates a big question for many. Are they actually Christians; or have they chosen some other god instead of Christ ... and another gospel?
We should never allow a person, religion, denomination, philosophy or cause stand between us and our Creator, our Savior, and our Lord. Turn to Christ now and be saved!
As you watch the filmed discussion between Phil Donahue and Milton Freidman, they both acknowledge never-ending problems of mankind. And they both have a solution, Freidman explains that free market capitalism is the only system that has ever worked in history. Donahue on the other hand would turn to government and a socialist or Marxist system; which Freidman clearly explains has always failed, and which is also rampant with the same problems of greed and self-centeredness that Donahue denounces.
There is a resolution to these problems. God has given us hundreds of prophesies that have proven true. We could start with the facts of Jesus' birth, miracles, death, and resurrection which were predicted over a thousand years prior; and then one prophesy after another has proven to be true. Now look at the detailed description of the destruction and re-establishment of the state of Israel. Next, we only need look at the nations surrounding Israel which are plotting to attack. This is all foretold in God’s Word in stunning details. Hundreds of prophesies have already come to pass … are many too blinded to see what is coming next?
And also, we have the revelation of things to come for those who trust Jesus Christ and God’s Word. There will be a one world government and a one world religion. Wait a minute; isn’t that what this call for a new reformation in the church is promoting; and also that is on the agenda that the UN is promoting ... right now? People will be told to take an identifying mark. That is not too farfetched when computer barcode technology is considered. The Bible tells us this will all come to pass; and the world as we know it will be destroyed. And also that the greed and self-centeredness; discussed by Freidman and Donahue thirty years ago will be brought to an end.
Jesus says we must stand on one side of the line or the other.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:17-18.
And God promises us a new heaven and a new earth.
For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be you glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. Isaiah 65:17-18
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:1-4
Where will you stand?
We should never allow a person, religion, denomination, philosophy or cause stand between us and our Creator, our Savior, and our Lord. Turn to Christ now and be saved!
God bless you my friends, Bob
And yes ... please forward this post to everyone on your email list.
The Perfect Conservative
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them,
I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house on a rock:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell not: for it was founded on a rock.
And every one that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened to a foolish man, which built his house on the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Matthew 7:24-28
The Perfect Conservative
GOP candidate Herman Cain called Jesus "the perfect conservative" in an essay penned last year for the website Red State, adding that the Messiah helped others without government assistance and gave hope and compassion to all he met.
Not surprisingly in a hotly contested race, critics have been taking a closer look at Cain's writings as he vaults to the top of the Republican list vying for the GOP nomination. Cain is an associate minister in an Atlanta mega-church widely known for its liberal-leaning activism and led by a pastor who cites Malcolm X as one of his influences.
Cain is a longtime member of Antioch Baptist Church North, a church that has some 14,000 members and an operating budget of more than $5 million, CNN reports. It has hosted civil rights activists as guest speakers, including Jesse Jackson and Andrew Young.
In his essay, Cain writes of Jesus:
"He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. He fed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds, and giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.
"For three years He was unemployed, and never collected an unemployment check. Nevertheless, he completed all the work He needed to get done. He didn’t travel by private jet. He walked and sailed, and sometimes traveled on a donkey.
"But they made Him walk when He was arrested and taken to jail, and no, He was not read any Miranda Rights. He was arrested for just being who He was and doing nothing wrong. And when they tried Him in court, He never said a mumbling word.
"He didn’t have a lawyer, nor did He care about who judged Him.
His judge was a higher power.
"The liberal court found Him guilty of false offenses and sentenced Him to death, all because He changed the hearts and minds of men with an army of only twelve men.
His death reset the clock of time.
Never before and not since ...
has there ever been such a perfect conservative."
Jesus Was The Perfect Conservative
by Herman Cain; by permission;
Politics of Division
Pitting Us Against Each Other
"President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party have led increasingly successful efforts to pit Americans against one another through the politics of hate and envy. Attacking CEO salaries, the president -- last year during his Midwest tour -- said, “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”
Let’s look at CEO salaries, but before doing so, let’s look at other salary disparities between those at the bottom and those at the top. According to Forbes' Celebrity 100 list for 2010, Oprah Winfrey earned $290 million. Even if her makeup person or cameraman earned $100,000, she earned thousands of times more than that. Is that fair? Among other celebrities earning hundreds or thousands of times more than the people who work with them are Tyler Perry ($130 million), Jerry Bruckheimer ($113 million), Lady Gaga ($90 million) and Howard Stern ($76 million). According to Forbes, the top 10 celebrities, excluding athletes, earned an average salary of a little more than $100 million in 2010.
According to The Wall Street Journal Survey of CEO Compensation (November 2010), Gregory Maffei, CEO of Liberty Media, earned $87 million, Oracle’s Lawrence Ellison ($68 million) and rounding out the top 10 CEOs was McKesson’s John Hammergren, earning $24 million. It turns out that the top 10 CEOs have an average salary of $43 million, which pales in comparison with America’s top 10 celebrities, who earn an average salary of $100 million.
When you recognize that celebrities earn salaries that are some multiples of CEO salaries, you have to ask: Why is it that rich CEOs are demonized and not celebrities? A clue might be found if you asked: Who’s doing the demonizing? It turns out that the demonizing is led by politicians and leftists with the help of the news media, and like sheep, the public often goes along. Why demonize CEOs? My colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell explained it in his brand-new book, “The Thomas Sowell Reader.” One of his readings, titled “Ivan and Boris -- and Us,” starts off with a fable of two poor Russian peasants. Ivan finds a magic lamp and rubs it, and the jinni grants him one wish. As it turns out, Boris has a goat, but Ivan doesn’t. Ivan’s wish is for Boris’ goat to die. That vision reflects the feelings of too many Americans. If all CEOs worked for nothing, it would mean absolutely little or nothing to the average American’s bottom line.
For politicians, it’s another story: Demonize people whose power you want to usurp. That’s the typical way totalitarians gain power. They give the masses someone to hate. In 18th-century France, it was Maximilien Robespierre’s promoting hatred of the aristocracy that was the key to his acquiring more dictatorial power than the aristocracy had ever had. In the 20th century, the communists gained power by promoting public hatred of the czars and capitalists. In Germany, Adolf Hitler gained power by promoting hatred of Jews and Bolsheviks. In each case, the power gained led to greater misery and bloodshed than anything the old regime could have done.
Let me be clear: I’m not equating America’s liberals with Robespierre, Josef Stalin and Hitler. I am saying that promoting jealousy, fear and hate is an effective strategy for politicians and their liberal followers to control and micromanage businesses. It’s not about the amount of money people earn. If it were, politicians and leftists would be promoting jealousy, fear and hate toward multimillionaire Hollywood and celebrities and sports stars, such as LeBron James ($48 million), Tiger Woods ($75 million) and Peyton Manning ($38 million). But there is no way that politicians could take over the roles of Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and LeBron James. That means celebrities can make any amount of money they want and it matters not one iota politically.
The Occupy Wall Street crowd shouldn’t focus its anger at wealthy CEOs. A far more appropriate target would be the U.S. Congress.
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT OCTOBER 19, 2011 CREATORS.COM
President Obama knows full well the entire discussion is a lie and yet he has encouraged the people to get behind this class warfare. The president has in effect incited the riot ... like a simple buffoon yelling fire in a theater, he has perpetrated the stampede for the exits. The blame for the resulting damage should rest solely on His shoulders.
As you can clearly see, celebrities and sports stars are far more excessively paid than corporate executives. But More importantly, the whole focus of the discussion, first by President Obama, the liberal mainstream media, the left, and now the Occupy Wall Street frothing at the mouth mob is miss-placed and ignorant.
First of all, the idea that collectively the top 1% of Americans ...
that they don't pay their fair share is a lie.
It is all excessive ... but that is free enterprise!
Next, we must note that the idea that taxing them more ...
would somehow solve America's problems is a lie.
And most importantly, the majority of our problems are the result
of politicians making deals with lobbyists;
and promises, and lies to the people that are
impossible to keep ... without bankrupting the Republic.
"They speak falsehood every one with his neighbor:
with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips,
and the tongue that speaks proud things:
Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail;
our lips are our own: who is lord over us?
For the oppression of the poor,
for the sighing of the needy,
now will I arise, said the LORD;
I will set him in safety from him that puffs at him.
The words of the LORD are pure words:
as silver tried in a furnace of earth,
purified seven times." Psalm 12:2-6
This Psalm says it all ... don't you think?
God Bless you my friends, Bob
Friday, October 21, 2011
Mix Radical Islam And Marxism: OWS
Calling themselves the 99% ... just shows how ignorant and desperate this bizarre movement really is!
Clearly they represent less than 10% of Americans with an IQ above 99 ...
Maybe the upper limit of their collective IQ is what the "99" stands for ... oh yeah, now I get it. And whatever their number, less than 1% of them can actually explain what it is that they supposedly stand for ... beyond of course your basic Marxist ignorance which is when it all boils down to it, well you know: ... free stuff.
On another battle front ... the Blaze reports, “An official invitation issued by CAIR’s New York chapter tells members to show “solidarity” with ‘the 99%” by attending Friday prayers in Zuccotti Park at 1:00pm. CAIR’s stated goal in hosting the prayer service at OWS is to “expand the role of New York Muslims in the Occupy movement.’”
Wow, so a group with ties to radicalized Islam is uniting with Occupy Wall Street. Shocker.
Add to that the latest from progressive publication AdBusters which advertises, “Open your insurrectionary imagination. Anything, from a bottom up transformation of the global economy to changing the way we eat, the way we get around, the way we live, love, the way we communicate. Be the spark that sustains a global revolution of everyday life! Let us occupy the core of our global system. Let’s dethrone the greed that defines this new century. Let us work to define our one great demand.”
“Let’s see if I have this right,” Glenn Beck said. “Marxist, communists, anarchists, revolutionaries, and Muslim extremists will join to destabilize capitalism and overthrow the western way of life.”
Glenn Beck GBTV 10/21/2011
Wonderful, just what we need ... a bunch of kids, and socialist, Marxists, and now Islamists joining together to transforming us from the bottom up, to a new global economy, changing the way we eat, live, love, and the way we communicate. We need them to show us how we need to live our everyday lives. And the mainstream media thinks this is all great Arab spring type moments. Whoopee doo! It fits right in with the Michael Moore, Al Gore, MSM, green movement, environmentalists, United Nations; Obama and friends, or better known as the: "one world government vision for America."
I contend this is desperation at it's worst. When will the phony media elite stop trying to sell America on the idea that their bizarre philosophies have merit, and the false premise that a majority of Americans stand with them on all of this babble?
They tried to force their doctored global warming false science on all of us; and now they will play this OWS movement as if it has some sort of credibility on main street America. They are actually trying to give OWS some measure of legitimacy by comparing it to the Tea party Movement.
I attempted to find a credible clip of someone within their mob speaking coherently ... so far, there is none; just a bunch of aimless wandering generalities. Lots of rambling and babbling on and on. I finally gave up. Lots of socialist and Marxist ideas though, and oh yeah, now we have radical Islamists joining in with them.
Is Occupy Wall Street a lot like the Tea Party ...
as President Obama stated in this interview?
You Be the judge ...
Clearly ... this comparison was not even remotely truthful.
Radical Left Mob:
eat your heart out.
Occupy Wall Street;
and The Tea Party Movement ...
They are NOT; not even in the same universe!
God bless you my friends,
Bob West
The Truth ... The Lost
Why Do the Members of the Secular Media Hate Bible-believing Christians
by Michael Youssef Columnist, 10/21/2011
The clearest answer comes from a statement reputedly made by President Harry Truman during his 1948 Presidential election campaign.
One of his supporters yelled out to him, “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” Truman responded, “I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell.”
That is precisely the reason why there is a war on Christians waged by members of the secular media.
Christians speak the truth about God’s best for humanity as it applies to morality, laws and governing principles, but the secular media views these truths as Hell. Truth always feels like Hell to those who reject, deny, or hate the truth.
When Bible-believing Christians share that there is only one true God who is lovingly inviting people to believe in Him and receive His redemption, or face His coming judgment, that is Hell to those who view themselves as their own gods—masters of their own fates. Many of these self-made gods control our media.
As gods, they want no competition. They reject the truth that God is God alone and that He will hold them accountable for mocking Him and His followers. Thus, the truth is Hell to them, even before they get there. They express their hatred for God’s truth by heaping venom on anyone who declares God’s truth.
Bible-believing Christians proclaim the truth about the biblical principles that guided this nation’s founders. But those who are rewriting American history to fit their desire for self-worship want to silence them. Thus, whenever a Christian lovingly and thoughtfully points them to the truth of history, they hound them down, accusing them of “racism,” “hate speech,” and “bigotry.” Why?
Because truth to them is Hell, so they want to muzzle Christians and their message.
When Bible-believing Christians declare that there are moral absolutes that all men must live by, and that when these moral absolutes are tampered with curses and not blessings will really angers them. It sets their teeth on edge.
To them these truths are Hell, so they respond by likening Christians to the Taliban and the Jihadis…can you imagine?
The Christians who founded the hospital movement.
The Christians who founded the library movement.
The Christians who founded the orphanage movement.
The Christians who founded education.
The Christians who have and continue to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the needy.
The Christians who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice in following the role model of their Savior who gave His all on a cross to save them. How can they say that Christians are likened to the Taliban?
The Taliban who shoot women in the head at close range in soccer stadiums.
The Taliban who bury people alive for their sins and misdemeanors.
The Taliban who stone women to death for mere accusations.
If I were a rich man, I would offer these self-worshipping gods of the secular media a six month trip to Afghanistan or Iran. If they ever returned from such a trip, they would be changed men and women.
My concern is that the very truth that can set them free is the truth they attack. I know why they attack it—because it feels like Hell to them. It is condemning. However, my heart is not to condemn them, but to pray to God to open their blind eyes, just like He opened mine, so that they may see the truth before it is too late for them. Michael Youssef, PhD is an Egyptian-born American and founding rector of The Church of The Apostles.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Death Sentence ...
Free Pastor Youcef ...
Three weeks ago, an Iranian court was prepared to execute Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani for his faith, and almost no one would have known about this brutal atrocity. Today, three weeks after his execution could have been carried out, Pastor Youcef is still alive, and his case has been sent to Iran’s Supreme Leader – because you took action.
You were the voice for Pastor Youcef; and because you spoke out, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives called for his release, 89 Members of Congress sent a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State Clinton urging her to engage this situation to put pressure on Iran, the White House called for Pastor Youcef’s release, and numerous political and public figures added their voices in support of saving this man’s life. Major international media has put the spotlight on Iran’s human rights abuses and Pastor Youcef’s plight.
None of this would have been possible without your taking a stand. Now, as we continue to work with Pastor Youcef’s Iranian attorney, he continues to stress that the only thing keeping Pastor Youcef alive and the only thing that can secure his release is more pressure from the international community.
If you have not already done so, please sign our petition to pressure Iran for Pastor Youcef’s release. Nearly 200,000 of you have signed, and you could help put us over the top.
Today is the last day to sign this vital petition. The ACLJ will continue to work vigorously across the globe on Pastor Nadarkhani’s behalf, but this is the final day for the petition to Secretary of State Clinton. Our focus is now towards working with international human rights organizations and the media to keep Pastor Nadarkhani’s story alive.
I know that so many of you have signed this critical petition, and I cannot thank you enough. However, there is another way that you can help Pastor Youcef and enable us to reach the critical mark of 200,000 signatures.
In addition to forwarding this message, talking with your friends and neighbors, and using the Facebook “Like” buttons in this email, I encourage you to utilize our easy-to-use Petition Drive tool. If you have registered at, you can use this tool to email our petition and post it on Facebook or Twitter, as well as track how many people sign this critical petition as a result of your efforts.
Pastor Youcef’s life truly hangs in the balance, and reaching this critical 200,000 mark will allow us to continue to show Secretary Clinton, the United Nations, and the international media that the American people truly care about Pastor Youcef’s life and want more international pressure to be placed on Iran.
We are very close to reaching this goal, and your signature or encouragement to someone else to sign could put us over the top. Thank you for continuing to fight for Pastor Youcef as he continues to stand up for his faith.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director
Of even greater concern here is for Pastor Youcef's family. Quite often in situations such as this, when the father is executed Muslim countries for religious reasons, the family is also put to death. Pastor Yousef has a wife and two small children. Pray for this Godly Christian and his family.
God bless you my friends, Bob
Moments Of Silence ...
Land of the Free ...
Home of the Brave ...
No Apologies Needed
At a time when our president and other politicians tend to apologize for our country's prior actions, here's a refresher on how some of our former patriots handled negative comments about our country. These stories are good reminders of how proud and thankful we should always be as Americans.
JFK'S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60's when DeGaulle decided to pull out of NATO. DeGaulle said he wanted all US military out of France as soon as possible.
Rusk responded,
"Does that include those who are buried here?"
DeGualle did not respond.
You could have heard a pin drop.
When in England, at a fairly large conference, Secretary of State Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of "empire building" by George Bush.
Powell answered by saying, "Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return."
You could have heard a pin drop.
There was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a break, one of the French engineers came back into the room saying, "Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intend to do, bomb them?"
A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly: "Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a
dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships; how many does France have?"
You could have heard a pin drop.
A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S. , English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English. He then asked, "Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?"
Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied, "Maybe it's because the Brit's, Canadians, Aussie's and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German."
You could have heard a pin drop.
Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on. "You have been to France before, monsieur?" the customs officer asked sarcastically.
Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously.
"Then you should know enough to have your passport ready."
The American said, "The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it."
"Impossible. Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France!"
The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained, "Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to."
You could have heard a pin drop.
America is not perfect, but our intentions have been honorable ...
and we have nothing to apologize for.
If you are proud to be an American, pass this on!
I am proud to be of this land ... The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
God bless you my friends, Bob
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